One of our clients was furnishing a new building and needed art. Quickly. They had some on order but were not sure when it would arrive. And their budget limited their ability to incur all the expense upfront. So, we negotiated a rental payment program. In the end, they decided to keep the art. (A happy ending!) We decided to replicate and offer that program to our other clients....
So, we are pleased to introduce our new RENTAL/INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PROGRAM.
(Having what you want can be practical too!)
Select your favorite piece(s) of art and make payments on a monthly basis. The cost of the item(s) will be managed into monthly payments up to a one year plan. For example, a total purchase of $1750 would be invoiced at $145 for 12 payments until the pieces are owned. OR- pay rent month to month if there is only a temporary need for a space.
Contact Jennifer Kinley to make arrangements: or call/text (216) 233-1778. (Subject to approval and signing an agreement.)
A Practical Way To Furnish Your Home or Business With REAL ART You LOVE
(Iconic public art courtesy of the legendary Robert Indiana...)